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Today's buyer has a plethora of choices when it comes to buying or servicing their car. Yeah.. I know, tell you something you didn't already know. O.K. Here we go. Every dealership has a unique culture and personality underneath its brand umbrella (again nothing new here). This is where brand messaging for your store gets interesting.
Let's say for example: your store's culture is pleasant and mellow. The staff has a good time and jokes around which is fine as long as they are tasteful and not offensive to anyone. You focus on being a good citizen in your community, sponsoring local organizations and donating to charities that have an impact in your area. Sounds like a great place to be! Yet, your marketing manager just ran a Television commercial worthy of every old bad cliche like "we won't be undersold" or "everyone rides" bad credit no credit.... " you get the idea. The campaign brings lots of people in yet very few of them buy and your staff complains they don't understand where these personalities came from. Then the fun begins at the marketing meeting having to explain why no cars were sold and justify the spend on the money. You see where I'm going with this. I'm not saying there is a right or wrong way to conduct your business. Like the old saying, there is a butt for every seat.
What is critical though is that your marketing messaging is consistent with the personality of your store and brand you represent across all channels. If you are inconsistent from month to month or week to week, your will not be able to gain traction and momentum to build your business and attract long term loyal clients that spend more money with you over time. Your messaging needs to be the same regardless of the medium being used. The dealership website, search marketing, social media, email marketing need to convey the unique flavor and culture. Sounds simple, yet so few do it successfully. Normally because the job demands focus in many directions at once and not having the time to focus on this.
If this sounds familiar to you, I'd love to have a conversation and talk about the ways my company, RJS Media Consulting, can help you achieve your goals. We specialize in optimizing automotive websites (seo, sem and content), custom graphics, email marketing, marketing materials customized to your store